Winter's early arrival
Monday, November 22, 2010
Too soon, too cold. Sigh. Sigh again. (It's therapeutic.)
The grey, chilly frozen days are here ...
Recommended reading & viewing on some topics (other than the weather) in this post:
Tweet | 9 Comments | | Permalink | tagged bark, berries, cold, snow, winter, winter berries in Enjoy
Reader Comments (9)
You have snow already? Gulp!
Gulp, yes. And shiver. But it should be gone by this weekend when temperatures return to seasonal normals.
Lovely pics. Are those purple berries Callicarpa or porcelain vine? Purple berries don't seem quite real to me, somehow. They're like those tropical vines that make metallic turquoise blooms. The exfoliating bark is also wonderful; is it paperbark maple? It's so important to have textures once the snow begins to fall. Congratulations on your CWA nomination. It's introducing me to more great garden blogs.
Hello, Helen. Lovely to meet you. Thank you for the congratulations and I return them to you. I see you, too, are a nominee. Yes, this is an excellent way to discover more great gardening blogs. I'll be adding your blog to my Google reader after I post this comment.
I believe the purple berries are Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii 'Profusion'. I've encountered several on my usual walking routes - the shrubs aren't labeled but they look very much like the ones described and photographed here at Paghat's Garden:
And yes, the bark is Acer griseum (paperbark maple). I agree with you about textures in winter.
Thank you for visiting & commenting.
I am admiring the bark and the purple berries, too. The purple berries are so exotic. INow off to see if they are hardy in zone 5.
Beauty through your lens...a big, pleasurable sigh from me!
Thank you, kateri & Lucy. Your blogs make me sigh with pleasure & quiet delight, too.
kateri - I hope you can grow Callicarpa. The berries are such an unusual colour & are so striking against autumn's orange leaves.
your photos are beautiful! i'll have to keep reading for balcony gardening inspiration - my gardening area is very tiny and i need to get some tips on how to i can use that space more effectively!
Hi, Dana.
Thank you for introducing yourself & I look forward to exploring your garden through your blog.
You've also given me an idea for a blog post later this month. Thank you!