Garden Journal

Entries in Japan (1)


Beauty, grace & resilience

Pink blossoms and -- finally -- blue sky

Flowering Japanese Cherry Blossom tree, Prunus subhirtella 'Whitcomb'

I know this 'Whitcomb' very well for I've walked by it daily for more than 10 years: near my workplace it grows and blooms, waves in the wind, and drops petals on the grass.

A few years ago it was severely pruned back to within a few centimetres of its life (well, in my amateur opinion and I'm no arborist).  And not too long ago, part of a large branch split off, likely because of a heavy, wet snow dump.

But every spring the tree continues to bloom. With beauty, grace, and resilience.


This morning I downloaded this image from a Japanese friend's Facebook page:

I will. I may have to get some help and borrow others' words but I will pray because my friend, T., asked me to and I because I do believe it gives the Japanese people hope to know we are holding them close in our hearts and minds.