Garden Journal

Entries in lavender (7)


Catching up, part 1

The big project is finished. Hurrah!

I'm on vacation. Double hurrah!!

I awoke super early this morning. To the sound of rain beating against the window. Washing away my plans to prep the community plot for warm weather crops. {Sigh}

The sun tried really hard today, I could tell. But it couldn't break through the clouds.

So I stayed dry on my covered balcony, rearranged the pots (it's a jungle out there), and planned where to place the tomatoes, peppers, beets, carrots and beans in the 12 empty squares in my community garden plot.

And rather than mope any more about the weather, I'll consider it a reason to pay more attention to this blog, and finish one of three catch-up posts.


A few balcony garden highlights from mid-April through late May


Earth Dog on Earth Day (April 22nd)


Lewisia cotyledon forma alba, late April


Viola 'Lemon Royale' has been blooming since mid-March.



The purple bracts of Lavandula stoechas 'Anouk' stretch toward blue sky and sunshine in mid-May.


The Gifts of Autumn: #4. Late-blooming lavender


Wordless Wednesday


Not quite Provence, but close

Instead of booking a holiday in Provence, to get my daily dose of  lavender I just need to walk 5 minutes from my door to view, touch & inhale the mounds on City Hall's north lawn...



....and at the community garden's main entrance...

Purple in the evening

Ask me to name my favourite vegetable, tree, or garden writer, and I'll beg you to allow me at least three picks for each & several minutes of deliberation. But when it comes to my favourite herb & scent, I can quickly and easily pick one:


Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote'

This morning for a couple of hours I lost myself in Lavandula while I searched for informative & enchanting links to share. Here's a short reading/viewing list to get you started:

Lavender: The Grower's Guide by Virginia McNaughton -- added to my "to read" list this morning

The Genus Lavandula by Tim Upson and Susyn Andrews -- also added to the growing "to read" list

Mountain Valley Growers' Lavender pages: Lavender (descriptions of 24 varieties), Lavender 1.2.3 (care and tips)

And for your viewing pleasure, I recommend searching Google images for "lavender and Provence".

Now I'm off to the community garden for a compost workshop and group work party. Naturally, I'll volunteer to weed the bed with lavender.

I'd love to hear about your thoughts about this aromatic herb. Do you have a favourite cultivar? Do you grow the plant, and if so, from seeds or cuttings or both? Please share your stories and tips in the comments.


Wordless Wednesday
