Nutrition Podcasts

Today, when one of my colleagues asked me to define podcast, I began to wonder what food and nutrition podcasts are currently available, particularly for dietetics students and practicing dietitians who might want to design their own summer school curriculum. One of the benefits of a podcast is you can download the course or show to your iPod or other MP3 player and listen to it while you run, cycle, hike or just lie on a blanket under a shady tree.
Here is a beginning list I put together after doing a quick selective Google search.
Introduction to Human Nutrition (UC Berkeley)
Food, Ethics and the Environment - This five-part conference held at Princeton University in 2006 featured Marion Nestle, Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser as speakers.
All You Can Eat, the podcast of journalist and foodie Don Genova, whom you may already know from his CBC Radio features.
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