You say you want a resolution....

...Well, you know
We all want to change ourselves
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change ourselves(Adapted from the famous Beatles lyrics)
Credit: Happy New Year 2008 (UFO) by heritage futures
Two days into 2008 -- how many times have you heard, read or said the "R" word? When you're asked about your New Year's resolutions are you at a loss? Excited to share them? My usual response it to say I don't make them; I set goals and objectives on an ongoing/as needed basis -- usually whenever I have to work on my professional development portfolio.
Over the years, I've become more reactive than proactive -- by necessity to cope with a busy, unpredictable schedule over which I have limited control. Such is the nature of direct patient care. But this is not necessarily good or bad, right or worng -- or so I've convinced myself. It's just the way it is. Sometimes the most important thing I can do every day is show up at work, identify the priorities and deal with them. But I'm getting off track....
This year I think I may embrace rather than avoid resolution-making because I've read some excellent resources during this Season of Self-Improvement. Here are my favourite New Year's posts, which are inspiring me to make goal-setting and behavior change manageable and meaningful.
7 Essential Tips
Fresh Starts and Modest Changes
Do you have any food resolutions? To tell you the truth, I hadn't thought of creating any until I read this post. I'd like to adopt/adapt all of them but according to Leo, I should just focus on one. I'll let you know which one I choose in a future post. I'd love to hear your food resolutions in the comments section.
But whatever resolutions or goals you or I set, perhaps we can begin the process by keeping in mind the 100-Mile Diet authors' words:
Take time; go simply; choose connection over consumption; live deeply in the place you find yourself. Remind yourself to care.
From the 100 Mile Diet blog post of December 24th, 2007
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