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Ideas bumping around in my head


Photo credit: A woman thinking.


Time for a brain dump.

I've been quiet/blog-lite/MIA for the first couple of week s  this month. My usual excuses apply: busy with work...busy with home chores...not as well organized about my time as I'd like to be...tired....eye-and-back-strain from too much computer work...reading other bloggers' good words and wondering what, if anything, I can add.  But  I'm hoping this will change after next week when I will have more  of the 4 ingredients I need to write: "free" time, mental space, physical energy and daylight hours.   Here are some of the things I've planned for Nutrition Month (of course you know it's March) and maybe even a bit before:

- Interviews with other bloggers
- Book reviews
- Stories and lessons learned from daily practice
- Links to and descriptions of nutrition podcasts and online courses
- Additions and updates to the Resources and Links pages
- Reader's requests: I'll be asking you what you'd like to see on Greens & Berries? Would you prefer regular features or "in-the-moment" posts based on my work and learning experiences?

Reader Comments (4)

I love the images you use, they are so evocative. I'm looking forward to whatever you have to write during Nutrition Month

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkelly

Thank you, Kelly. I think exactly the same about the images you use for your posts on Planet Green.

February 14, 2008 | Registered CommenterElaine

Oooh Nutrition Month! I've never really done something before and I'm really excited to come up with something this year. Nice to hear from you again; I'm actually starting my internship soon and I was just thinking of what resources you would have on your blog.

I do find the "in-the-moment" posts very helpful and I think asking for regular features would be a little taxing, so just keep on with what you're doing, I'm excited to see everything you have to share!

February 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVincci

Hi Vincci.

Thank you for the feedback and kind words.

All the best as you start your internship. I'm looking forward to welcoming you to the profession soon!

February 14, 2008 | Registered CommenterElaine

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