Back to a more regular blogging schedule...

...after 4 weeks of mostly work (the usual stuff of a clinical dietitian's day plus mentoring dietetic interns and attending a nutrition support workshop) and some play (long, weekend walks absorbing colour & light and a bit of writing at the Hedge Society).
I really don't have much to say in this post. Just that I'm back. Hello. I hope you're enjoying this season (Autumn for some, Spring for others). And for those of us who are heading toward winter, let's remember the good things about cooler days and longer nights. As a friend recently tweeted:
@sophiemostlysome say it's easier to eat well in the summer but I'm a much happier autumn winter cook. All those easy soups, beans, stews. Who's with me?
Reader Comments (6)
I agree completely. Summer is a time to be outside and just eat what you can more or less on the fly. Salads, fresh fruits,whatever. Autumn makes me want to get into the kitchen and cook. I want hearty soups and long cooking stews but with a hit of fall ingredients. A very satisfying time of the year to cook and eat.
Hello, Kelly. Lovely to have a visit and comment from you.
I've just been to your Planet Green page to check out what you've been up to lately and I see autumn has inspired you; e.g., 31 Recipes for October: Cool Weather Fare. What a great recipe collection.
Hello Elaine,
Lovely to hear that you'll have a more regular blogging schedule - I miss your posts when they're not around.
I'm still enthralled by all the lovely autumn foods and have definitely got my cooking mojo back - lots of stews and roast vegetables on the go over here. And time to move on to the soups next
Hello, Sophie. Thanks for your comment. It's nice to be missed :-). So sweet of you to say.
I, too, look forward to every new post you publish. No pressure, of course, but I hope you'll be photographing and writing about some of those tasty autumn soups, stews and roast vegetables.
I'm also pretty glad to hear you're back to a more regular blogging schedule. I do find a blogging break is often a good thing - you come back with more enthusiasm and some new ideas.
I'm also often confused by the "easy eating" thing in summer. I think people associate no cooking, with ease, but I always find quite a considerable amount of thought and effort can go into making a *good* salad. Yes it's easy to bung some leaves in a bowl and add a cucumber and tomato, but really, who wants to eat that every day in summer?
Of course over here summer is the time of barbecues and I think for many women that's an easy meal, because they don't do the cooking. With the strict division of gender labour we have here in Aus (!), men barbecue and women make the salad. So maybe summer is a time when meal preparation is shared? Considering women still do most of the normal meal prep, that means summer is an easier time for them?
Thanks so much, Kathryn. Yes, the break was good in that it helped me realize how much I enjoy blogging as a means of learning and connecting.
I agree with your comment about meal preparation in summer. I actually find it the hardest season in which to cook, mostly because of the heat. So true -- making "not the same old" salad can be a creative challenge. And in Canada, too, the males usually "man" the barbeque.