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I'm facing up to the numbers. And they're spurring me into action.

Twenty days into the new year. Ten months since my last published Dietitian's Journal post. Five drafts partly completed. And one piece of advice (but not the only one) I'm going to try live by this year:

"Finish what you start" by Irina Troitskaya | Advice to Sink in Slowly http://advicetosinkinslowly.net

Yes, wise words, though I think in this case, it's advice to apply quickly.

Reader Comments (2)

Good advice Elaine - I have armfuls of half finished posts hidden in different recesses across my macbook.

I love your photos and botanical offerings but very much looking forward to some nutritional posts

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSophie

Hello, Sophie. Glad to know I'm not alone :-). And thank you for the encouragement, too. I've made a commitment to myself -- and now my readers -- to finish and publish a post this coming week.

January 22, 2012 | Registered CommenterElaine

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