Dietitian's Journal

Entries in Blog Action Day (1)


Blog Action Day

Today is my first day back to work and a more regular blogging schedule. (You may have noticed posting has been light this past month while I've been on vacation.)

Today I'm going to add my voice to over 15, 000 other bloggers who are writing environmental posts on this first annual Blog Action Day.

For guidance on how to protect  the environment and quality of life for future generations, I'm going to the expert: David Suzuki. Are you one of the 355,040 individuals who have taken the Nature Challenge? I confess I haven't officially signed up but I'm going to do so today.  How about you? And as dietitians, what do you think about tips 4 and 5?

If you're already making these 10 wise choices, you may want to consider adding a few more from Leo Babauta's list: 50 quick, painless ways you can help the environment today. I found several tips related to food choices (eating, shopping, preparing, storing).

Which one(s) from Leo's list are you going to add today? Last week,  I bought rechargeable batteries and a charger (#35 ).  (In one month of shooting digital photos, I went through 10 regular AA batteries!)  The next time I'm at a service station, I will check my tire pressure (#10).