Discovery Thursday

Image credit: Prospector by ToOliver2. Yes, sometimes I feel like I'm looking for gold among the dross on the Web.
Since Monday, I've been at my work computer about 8 hours each day, squinting at words and numbers while completing several the-devil-is-in-the -details projects. My lower back and eyes loudly and wisely protest about spending the evening in front of a keyboard and screen. "No blogging," they plead. "Give us a break."
I'm beginning to feel a bit disconnected, though, and a little worried about breaking the blogging habit that has been so valuable in organizing my resources, not to mention thoughts. So I'm taking a few minutes now to share one "gold nugget" I found serendipitously this morning:
Lynne Olver, "a reference librarian with a passion for food history" and excellent credentials edits this site.
Although traveling back in time appeals to me, I really need to stay in the present to meet deadlines. I hope you enjoy the link and I'll catch up with you later.