Tweeter's Digest: July edition

Well, hello there. Where has time gone? Until I checked my drafts folder earlier today, I hadn't realized I'd started writing 5 posts since mid-May. Time to finish & publish at least one of them.
Here's a round-up of resources I've shared on Twitter during the past couple of months:
Cancer Preventing Properties of Cruciferous Vegetables, a free full-text review article (PDF)
The total antioxidant content of more than 3100 foods, beverages, spices, herbs and supplements used worldwide, an open access, comprehensive database
Another reason to eat your beets: Nitrate in beetroot juice lowers blood pressure (original research article)
A recent, comprehensive review on dietary sodium & hypertension: Blood Pressure Canada's background paper (PDF)
Salt Mountains, a compelling if not startling infographic on the prevalence of sodium in processed foods
How to cut down on sodium? Blood Pressure Canada says "Eat freshhhh!" and provides professional resources & educational tools on sodium on their well designed, informative web site.
Osteoporosis Canada recently released new Vitamin D guidelines.
After I read a thoughtful article on dietitians' roles in reducing food waste, on a whim I entered "don't waste food" into Google Images. The results included this classic poster from 1917: "Food - buy it with thought..."
Some further searching on "food waste" led to the excellent Love Food Hate Waste sites (main, Scotland, Wales, Australia). There's no Canadian version of this program -- yet -- but I'm hopeful.
I'll keep this list short, end here and give myself time to finish those other 4 posts. Perhaps I'll publish another one before the end of the summer, but the beans and beets take priority over words at this time of the season ;-).