Greens, berries & other traditional foods of the Nuxalk Nation

Image credit: Yellow-salmonberries by Apv.
Today while helping a colleague find information on the nutritional composition of indigenous foods, I discovered the Community Food System Data Tables of the Nuxalk Nation, part of the McGill University's Centre for Indigenous Peoples' Nutrition and Environment.
For quick and easy access, I'm including the links to the specific data tables here but I encourage you to read the background information and user notes on the web page so you can appreciate the research behind the tables as well as understand and apply the food and nutrient information knowledgeably.
Fish and Seafood [.pdf]
Game [.pdf]
Wild Berries [.pdf]
Greens, Roots and Other Plants [.pdf]
Even if you don't need this information now or think you will in the near future, it's fascinating and well worth a look. In particular and not unexpectedly, I'm interested in learning more about the wild greens and berries.