What to Eat: Personal Responsibility versus Social Responsibility

Image credit: InsideLoeb by Sean Lavallée
Usually I don't recommend a resource until I've finished reading it -- or in this case, listening to it. But I think it's safe to make this exception: What to Eat: Personal Responsibility versus Social Responsibility, the podcast of Marion Nestle's presentation at Stanford University on iTunes U.
Yesterday during my afterwork walk, I listened to Dr. Nestle discuss research on why people eat more, supermarket "rules" and marketing to children. Her talk entertained, informed and, I admit, dismayed me. But I think my dismay will be turning into optimism. I've saved the last 25 minutes for this afternoon's listening pleasure. The topic: the social movements arising from current food issues, e.g., eating local, slow food, organic food, humane treatment of animals.
Here's how to find this podcast on iTunes U.
- Go to the iTunes Store.
- Select iTunes U.
- Then select these links: Stanford -> Health and Medicine -> Healthy Living. This talk is #13.