Michael Pollan's critique on "nutritionism"

You already may know that Michael Pollan has published a new book. Perhaps you've also read Marion Nestle's praise for his "manifesto." But the next link may be new to you so I'm going to mention Planet Green has a post on In Defense of Food , which includes 11 guidelines for eating the "Pollan Way."
Almost one year ago, on the previous version of my blog, I wrote about this Michael Pollan's article. At that time I didn't know he was writing a new book. Here's my post from February 2007:
Recently, I came across an extremely concise food guide presented as a brief directive with two qualifying phrases: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." This is how Michael Pollan begins his New York Times Magazine's essay on what to eat for good health. In the remainder of this article, he elaborates on how the ideology of "nutritionism" has created a "conspiracy of confusion" about what we should we eat to be healthy and suggests nine unscientific (his own word) rules of thumb. Pollan counters the reductionist-scientific perspective with guidelines grounded in culture, tradition and food-sense. I'm tempted to share many excerpts from this intelligent and compelling article, but will restrain myself and recommend you go read it. OK, I have to share this great one-liner: "Don’t take the silence of the yams as a sign that they have nothing valuable to say about health."
Link to Unhappy Meals by Michael Pollan