Dietitian's Journal


From cupcakes to posters; asking for my readers' help


Image credit: Tips for designing scientific posters

My last post, over a week ago, was on cupcakes (part of the Friday Fun-with-Food series) but now that I'm back at work (first day, ouch) I'm returning to more serious topics. Today's subject: creating an experience-sharing poster for our upcoming Dietetics in Action education day.

Last year on my old blog I shared some of the excellent resources I found on making posters.  If you have to do a poster presentation, I recommend consulting them.  This morning, I'm reviewing the information -- why, oh why do I still have so much trouble with guideline #1: Start Early!

The working title of my poster is  Blogging as a tool for learning, communicating and translating knowledge into practice.

Here is where you can help. I would love some reader input. If you have a few minutes, could you think about this question and either comment or email a reply:
Is there a specific blog post (it can be from any credible blog on any subject) that demonstrates blogging is a valuable tool for learning, reflecting, connecting with others, and/or sharing and advancing knowledge?"  For example, the type of post that, after you read it, you thought "YES -- this is important, new-to-me information I can use in my practice."  It may be a quotation, essay, research article or other resource you bookmarked and/or forwarded to your colleagues, students or clients.
Thank you very much. I'd be thrilled to share others' ideas, resources and experiences on the poster rather than just my own opinions and words.
So I probably don't have to tell you things may be quiet around Greens & Berries for a few more days. Last week I used the excuse of vacation; this coming week I will -- I must -- be hard at work on my poster .

Sweet and cozy cupcakes

A few of my favourite cupcakes by Amigurumi Kingdom:

Pick your own favourites here


....and we have a winner....

...of the Nutrition Month contest, Heidi of New Brunswick.

Here are Heidi's answers, which I'm reproducing because they're so well done. A copy of Dietitians of Canada's Cook Great Food will be in the mail this weekend to you, Heidi, and thank you for entering the contest.

1. (d) Run fast, cook slow, eat light was not a nutrition month slogan - but its not a bad idea for most days!
2. Jessica's favorite cookbook was Cook Great Food and her healthy comfort food is lentils!
3. I loved the idea that Rachelle's friend Helene described: "Helene once explained to me how she believed food was holy. Her thought was that food should be treated with honor because it becomes the building blocks of our bodies, and our bodies are holy. For Helene, this translates into presenting
food nicely, avoiding foods empty of nutritional value, and not letting food go to waste." Very simple, but an appreciative way of looking at food I think.  I also liked her idea of homemade vegetable broth - great tip!
4. Vincci  - Michael Pollan famously advocates Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants. I think Vincci is saying something very similar - basically thinking of food as food - not just nutrients. Also realizing that the non-nutrient aspect of food is  just as important and an essential part of our lives.
5. (d) vitamin tonics
6. The organization for Bike the Blossoms is Slow Food Vancouver.
7. It is International Year of the Potato! Yay! I love potatoes, red, blue, sweet, and of course, being from the Maritimes - PEI and NB potatoes!! One new thing I have learned is that they have the highest protein content in the family of root and tuber crops (and the protein is of fairly
high quality!).

I have three more copies (!) so you can expect more contests in the weeks to come. Yes, this is a very good book. My mom, a discriminating cookbook connoisseur, grabbed the 4th copy when she spied it on my dining room table. As soon as she saw some classic recipes from her  Manitoba cooking roots, she knew it was a winner.


Nutrition and Wound Healing

Image credit: Ancient first aid kit by kymineko

Even thought I'm on vacation from "work", I can't kick the blogging habit so I thought I'd continue posting during these next two weeks, although with minimal commentary (to take a bit of break from editing my verbiage).

Today I'm sharing selected Nutrition and Wound Healing resources I found by doing a basic Google Search and stumbling upon the Canadian Association of Wound Care Canada web site.  The first set of articles are from Wound Care Canada :

Dietitians working in acute care surgical areas or with pressure ulcer management probably will know much of the information or have their own resources. I found both familiar and new information in the articles, and  they'll help me speak the same language as the wound care nurses with whom I occasionally collaborate.

I'll share other useful finds from my Google search in a subsequent post. 


Friday Fun with Food

Humorous Pictures
see more crazy cat pics