Dietitian's Journal

Entries in Fun with Food (11)


Organic cotton fruits & veggies


Crate with Veggies from Under the Nile as seen on roadside scholar

From children's books to baby toys.  You may wonder where I'm going with these  recent posts -- other than to  a more innocent stage in the life cycle.  

Call me idealistic, but I believe books and toys that convey positive food messages plant seeds in young minds...


and help nurture a generation that will  choose foods that are healthy for the body and the planet for a lifetime.

See more of Under the Nile's charming farmers' market here

Hat-tip to the lovely blog about extraordinary items, Roadside Scholar, for introducing me to these organic cotton toys.


Posts about more serious topics coming soon. For example, here's a sample of what I've been reading: 

Take A Bite Out of Climate Change
Cool Foods Campaign
The Green Fork


Bread and Jam for Frances


I discovered this charming book while I was an undergraduate studying early childhood education and read it  to preschoolers to get them to settle before nap-time.   I can't recall the children's responses but I loved the story.   And twenty-five years later,  I still remember the message and some of the text:

Sometimes children will go on food jags.  Wise and understanding parents allow children to learn for themselves that there really can be too much "bread and jam."


Another way to get your veggies (& smiles) today... Vegetimals:


Art by Kim Smith

You can purchase this whimsical print, Reginald or Arta  from Uppercase Gallery's online shop. (Thanks, Janine.)

Vegitmals-reg-all_medium.jpg Vegitmals-arta-all_medium.jpg


Sweet and cozy cupcakes

A few of my favourite cupcakes by Amigurumi Kingdom:

Pick your own favourites here


Friday Fun with Food

Humorous Pictures
see more crazy cat pics