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Bread and Jam for Frances


I discovered this charming book while I was an undergraduate studying early childhood education and read it  to preschoolers to get them to settle before nap-time.   I can't recall the children's responses but I loved the story.   And twenty-five years later,  I still remember the message and some of the text:

Sometimes children will go on food jags.  Wise and understanding parents allow children to learn for themselves that there really can be too much "bread and jam."

Reader Comments (4)

I loved reading that book (and the other Frances books) to my children when they were little. The idea of gently guiding your children towards making the right food and other life decisions while letting them work it out on their own is very important. Let them stretch and grow and learn and don't fuss at them all the time. Recipe for success.

June 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkelly

So well said, Kelly. Thank you. You're a wise (and talented) mom.

June 5, 2008 | Registered CommenterElaine

Bread and jam is what my little 21 month old daughter requested for her snack tonight! She's got her favourites and bread and jam is one of them but yes she does explore a lot of foods and will surprise me by her adventuresome spirit!

June 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJudy

Hi, Judy. How fun and how wonderful that your daughter already has an adventurous palate.

I also should have mentioned to check out Kelly's great bread recipes on Planet Green. Here's the latest: http://planetgreen.discovery.com/food-health/raisin-bread.html

June 5, 2008 | Registered CommenterElaine

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