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small stone: january 20

(A second small stone for today because I missed publishing one yesterday.)

Colour therapy for the January blues

I've found robin's egg blue and cornflower blue to be particularly effective mood enhancers, especially when combined with some sea and sky.

Reader Comments (4)

I've never heard of the colour "robin's egg blue" does that refer to the colour of the boat? I've had to go away and Google it - I had no idea that American robin's eggs were that colour. How utterly beautiful.

January 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkathryn

Thank you, Kathryn. I agree, it's a lovely colour though I'm not sure I named the boat's colour correctly -- I tried to match it to one of the hues on this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Shades_of_cyan. What do you think? Is it closer to turquoise?

January 21, 2011 | Registered CommenterElaine

Oh how interesting to look at all those colours, it's so hard to match up. I think you're right though about the robin egg blue (plus it's such a pretty colour name). To my eyes the next closest colour is verdigris . . .

January 23, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkathryn

Thank you for your thoughts, Kathryn. I appreciate the validation :-). I confess I chose robin's egg blue for the name as well as the close match. I couldn't take my eyes off that boat last Sunday. It was a bright, fresh object against grey. I agree with you about verdigris. Now that's a new one to me. I just looked it up on Wikipedia and learned:

"Verdigris is the common name for a green pigment obtained through the application of acetic acid to copper plates or the natural patina formed when copper, brass or bronze is weathered and exposed to air or seawater over a period of time."

January 23, 2011 | Registered CommenterElaine

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