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Homage to the Seed


Assorted seeds (beans, herbs, flowers, vegetables, cardamom pods). Many years ago, the turned wood bowl & box lids that contain them also were just three tiny seeds.


As soon as I read Lucy's post, I knew I wanted to contribute to "postcards from the blogosphere". In fact, I immediately tweeted:

How long for a postcard to reach AU from CAN? I'd love to take part in this great project, Homage to the Seed http://is.gd/dlW8u     via web

Even before @hogletk replied "roughly a fortnight", I realized anything sent by post would never reach sophie munns, artist-in-residence at the Brisbane Botanic Gardens, before the show's final day, July 18th. So I reluctantly tucked the "wouldn't it have been nice but it's too late now" thought into the back corner of my mind & proceeded with sundry house and garden chores. The next morning, while again cycling through dishes/laundry/tidying and thinking about possible subjects for the 365 in 2010 photo project, I had an "A-ha" moment. Actually, the idea was more obvious than brilliant. Of course: during the coming week I'd photograph seeds. And the first one was literally in front of my nose: a Banksia seed pod vase on the living room side table I was dusting.

So on a very hot Saturday afternoon, I began taking photos -- which actually distracted me from the 30 degree plus (Celsius) heat.  By Monday I'd summoned up my courage (remember, I'm a gardener, not an artist) to share my idea with Sophie. She liked it. And I was more than thrilled.

Here are some excerpts from my "homage to the seed", which is evolving into a long-term work-in-progress:

187/365: Banksia seed pod vase

Turned wooden vase, made from black walnut & a Banksia seed pod -- Canadian art from Australian flora.



Poppy (Papaver somniferum) seed pod. "The seeds are used, whole or ground, as an ingredient in many foods, and they are pressed to yield poppyseed oil" (from the Wikipedia entry on Poppy Seed)



Beautiful beans, almost too pretty to bury in the soil -- remainders from the past two gardening seasons.



Assorted herb, vegetable & edible flower seeds -- ingredients for a seed bomb.



From my spice cupboard: Star anise (Lillicium verum) seed pods & seeds.



Maple (Acer) samara still attached to the parent tree but soon to be released and dispersed by wind.


Maple samara

Mini-helicopters: study a maple seed and learn about aerodynamics.


Usually at this time of year I'd be viewing flowers on my evening walks but this week I'm seeking out the seeds & seed pods:

200/365 201/365

Fascinating. Biodiverse. Resilient. But also needing protection. The beginning of nature's endless cycle.

The precious seed.

Reader Comments (10)

As you know, I think this is a lovely, lovely idea. And I've been thoroughly enjoying your photos up on Flickr. A reminder that seeds are actually all around us and not just in the garden.

July 23, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkathryn

Thank you, Kathryn. I've been noticing, learning about and appreciating seeds so much more because of this project.

July 24, 2010 | Registered CommenterElaine

These photographs are sensational. I was so greedy for them that I didn't even read the words first time round and had to go back! I so love the connection you make in the first photograph with the containers for the seeds.

July 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTess

Hello, Tess. Lovely to have a visit from you. Thank you for the encouraging words about the photographs. I enjoyed this project so much -- it inspired me to look closer at the less showy but absolutely essential stage of the plant life cycle.

July 24, 2010 | Registered CommenterElaine

That is a nice homage!

July 26, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermeemsnyc

And that, you see, is why each of us actually IS an artist.

An on-going photography project sounds ideal, Elaine. Wonderful!

July 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLucy

I'm so glad to hear you found a way to participate, and it sounds like it's been a really eye-opening project. I like the Australian touch with the banksia too!

July 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterArwen from Hoglet K

Hello, meemsnyc - glad you liked the homage.

I was hoping you'd stop by, Lucy, as you are responsible for the homage -- I wouldn't have discovered "postcards from the blogosphere" if not for your post. Of course I'd love to think deep-down I've got some "art genes" that are finally expressing themselves, but even more important to me -- developing true and meaningful connections with true artists like you and sophie.

Yes, Arwen, it's continuing to open my eyes. I didn't know Banksia was an Australian plant -- I"m thrilled to have this part of your world in my home.

July 27, 2010 | Registered CommenterElaine

what an incredible vase and from a seed pod nonetheless. so cool! always fun to read your posts because i always learn something new. hope you are having a lovely summer!

August 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commentera tasteful garden

How lovely to hear from you, Allison.

I think I could devote a good year studying seeds. So fascinating.

Yes, I'm enjoying the summer but it's going by too quickly (as usual). Hope you are, too. Actually, I know from your blog and beautiful photos that you are.

August 9, 2010 | Registered CommenterElaine

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