Garden Journal
Entries in False Creek (2)
Favourite summer "stumble-upons"
At the end of this Labour Day weekend, I'm reminiscing about small surprises that delighted me when I turned the corner during daily walks with Piper this summer. Sweeter because unexpected. (And they partly make up for the small harvests from my two gardens.)
Soft, pink-tinged, frilly petals in a corner bulge garden. I adore poppies. Thank you, caring neighbours, who tend Vancouver's Green Street gardens.
Breaking free: a chain link fence can't contain the glorious ruffles, colour and scent of these roses.
Peach on blue: Hollyhocks, part of a mixed perennial oasis in a barren industrial zone.
A deep purple mop-top surveys the traffic circle
Enthusiastic Echinops - three tiny flowers seem to be saying "pick me, pick me!"
Symmetry and synchrony: bees on Echinacea
A meditative dragonfly in the kitchen garden
Good things come in three's: Double wedding ring quilt (#1) on a clothesline (#2) at the Back Porch (#3)
The setting sun's reflection on a window creates a gold shimmer on False Creek's silver