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Celiac Disease

Today at noon I listened to Mark Forsythe's BC Almanac interview with medical columnist Dr. Jane Haley who gave an excellent overview of Celiac Disease. I hope the interview will be archived and if it is, I will provide the link. Dr. Haley highly recommended this blog, Gluten-Free Girl, and after spending a few minutes exploring it -- and wanting to stay longer -- I would have add my own 5 star rating. Her new book also is getting rave reviews and I'm very tempted to add it to my library.

I have a few other priority tasks to complete today but I hope to write either an addendum or part 2 to this post in which I describe how I, as a clinical dietitian, might use the information on Ms. Ahern's site and in her book.

Also, I'm sure most Canadian dietitians and dietetics students are familiar with Shelly Case's expert writing and speaking on celiac disease, but in case you don't have link to her web site or book, I'm including it here: Gluten-Free Diet.

Reader Comments (2)

I've read entries by Shauna here and there, but just like you, I've only recently added it to my food blogs to follow. She's a beautiful writer, and a wonderful cook (with an equally wonderful Chef husband). I think Shauna's blog is helpful for dietitians/dietetic students because you realize she is a real person; she doesn't just write about her disease or even food, she writes about LIFE (seriously, her "yes" entry makes everyone cry). Her recipes are also great because she's not always trying to show gluten-free substitutes for foods that do contain gluten. It's food that people who don't have celiac want to try.

On a somewhat related note, I just got my December Canadian Living in the mail today and they have some gluten-free holiday cookies. They look interesting.

November 27, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterVincci

Hi Vincci. Thank you for the additional words about Shauna and her site. Well, I'm convinced to reorder the cookbooks on my "wish list" and move Shauna's to the top.

November 28, 2007 | Registered CommenterElaine

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