Food allergies and intolerances

On this blog I like to share what I've discovered while working on projects in case you are working on something similar and might benefit from what I've learned. Today I completed a task I started way back in July: updating the list of specific food allergens in our hospital's menu items. I previously posted some relevant links but now want to tell you about an indispensible resource I consulted during every stage of the project:
Dietary Management of Food Allergies & Intolerances: A Comprehensive Guide by Janice M. Vickerstaff Joneja, Ph.D.
This book, published in 1998, appears to be out-of-print, but sellers on and are offering used editions starting at $115.00 USD! (Ouch. I paid about $25.00 for my new, signed copy 8 years ago at one of Janice's conferences.)
Dr. Joneja's latest book, much more reasonably priced, is Dealing with Food Allergies: A Practical Guide to Detecting Culprit Foods and Eating a Healthy Enjoyable Diet. I haven't read it but if it's like Dr. Joneja's other writings, it's sure to be an authoritative, clearly written resource.
I've also added a Food Allergy & Intolerance category to my Practice Resources page.
Reader Comments (1)
The only allergy medication that I have tried that doesn't cause drowsiness and actually keeps all of my allergy symptoms away for a full 24 hours would be Flonase over the counter Without Flonase and the resources of "kiwi drug" news, I would have red, itchy, watery eyes anytime I stepped outside or came near a cat. There would be sneezing and itching around my nose and an occasional sore throat.