Notice to blog subscribers

If you've previously subscribed to this blog using a reader, you may need to resubscribe because I've changed the RSS url. (This a technical way of saying I've changed the address that links to the Journal.) I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I'm still getting used to the features on this new site and so this may be the first of a few technical bumps in the road as I get oriented.
You can click on the RSS icon under Subscribe at the right of the page to subscribe to the blog feed. Then, you will know when I publish new posts.
Reader Comments (2)
Welcome to Squarespace Elaine! You've made me realize the need for templates for recipe and food sites... hmmm...
Thank you, Krystyn. I feel welcome here. I really do like Squarespace. It makes publishing easy so I can concentrate on the writing.
Yes, I think templates for "foodies" would be great.