Notes to self

Image credit: Squiggy gets things done in his dreams by bulldog1.
Note to readers: This post likely will be of interest only to dietitians, dietetic interns, and dietetics students but as always, everyone is welcome to read it.
Today I'm sharing a simple tool for coping with some of my workday complexity: a template for recording patient information and workload measurement data. Even though I read and/or print several computer lists and reports every morning (e.g., patients listed by unit, patients' diet orders, lab reports) as well as write nutrition notes in the medical record, I need a supplementary, quick-to-use system to keep me on track and on time. I also need a concise summary of patients' statuses and care plans for colleagues who may be taking on my patient assignment if I'm away.
So this afternoon I "tweaked" the latest version for tube feeding patients. (I have a slightly different form for dysphagic patients who are eating.) While scrutinizing the form just before publishing this post, I thought of another helpful feature: a section to list time-sensitive tasks or activities such as meetings or project deadlines. Then, after reviewing my calendar in the morning, I wouldn't need to refer to it again that day, except to record new entries.
Feel free to copy and adapt any parts of the worksheet that might help you cope with information volume and complexity, competing demands on your time and attention, detours and distractions. This tool may not come close to meeting your needs. But I also have another reason for sharing it: to stimulate discussion and find out your preferred method for "remembering the milk" and freeing up your mind for thinking? Do you prefer paper-based or computer-based systems and tools?
Link to Worksheet
Reader Comments (3)
Hi Elaine,
That Daily Log looks like a good idea. I like tools like that but working less also means I have less use for the tools. What I've worked up is an Assessment sheet, double sided, two columns each. For me, it's the cues to ask enough questions.
This is a really great tool. As an intern I have yet to be on a rotation where I would see enough tube feed patients to need this but I imagine it could be adapted to all kinds of situations, not just that specific condition. I'd love to see what kind of sheets other RDs are using to keep their patient lists organized. This is the kind of stuff I love to learn, when moving to different mentoring dietitians on different units. They all have their methods and I imagine that when I graduate I'll make my own hybrid of all of those I've seen.
Hi Gillian. I think you have the right approach. Keep things as simple as possible and make tools that serve you, instead of vice versa.
Hi Jessica. So glad you found it helpful. When I was intern so long ago (sigh) I took different ideas from different advisors and did exactly what you plan to do -- made my own hybrid. I'll be posting my other form -- the one I use with patients who are eating -- very soon.
Thank you for taking the time to comment. I'd love to hear from more of you about this or any practice topic.