More notes to self

Not elegant or particularly innovative but it's been getting the jobs done this past week: the latest version of my daily worksheet: Worksheet (version 2.0)
This version has a second page for recording information about patients who are eating. In my work environment, this means keeping track of dysphagic patients' specific diet modifications and intakes.
Feel free to tweak the content and format to meet your needs. I'm still aiming for a simpler format so you will probably see version 3.0.
Reader Comments (2)
Thanks for sharing! I always believed in the concept that if you create something that works for you and helps manage your day or makes your job easier, than share it with others! It is always appreciated, and sometimes come back with updates that are cleverer? (more clever) :) than I would think of!!
Thanks, Heidi. I wasn't sure about sharing something like this but adapting my workflow process to my workplace's larger systems and requirements has been a priority. I now look at so many pieces of paper every morning -- I need some way of summarizing the data. I also believe in paper for "to do" lists versus using a computer or PDA-type device.