Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation in Canada

Image credit: 500 mg calcium supplements with vitamin D
This afternoon I was reading the June issue of the Dietitians of Canada (DC) newsletter that, among several articles pertinent to my practice, features Dr. Susan Whiting's recent presentation on Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation in Canada.
Some much-anticipated preliminary research results were presented on Thursday, May 8 at the Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research's annual Partners' Breakfast. Susan Whiting, PhD, University of Saskatchewan, spoke about her project on vitamin and mineral supplementation in Canada.
The research project, which is nearing completion, is a collaborative project between CFDR and Dietitians of Canada. The project had three main objectives:
1. to identify who in Canada is at risk for nutrient deficiency
2. to look at the attitudes, knowledge and practices of vitamin and mineral use, and
3. to identify research knowledge gaps with respect to vitamin and mineral use.
While the research team is still gathering data and the project is not quite complete yet, Susan was able to answer some preliminary questions....
If you are a DC member, you can read the entire newsletter article here. But the main reason I'm highlighting this article is that everyone can download Dr. Whiting's presentation from the public side of the DC website. (Kudos to DC for uploading this Powerpoint presentation and making it widely available.)
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