Where I've been, where I'm going
Katsura leaves after morning rain
Perhaps only I've noticed my month-long absence from The Dietitian's Journal but I think I should write a quick explanation.
This past September I've been on a stay-at-home-vacation in Vancouver and the neighbouring Fraser Valley. Highlights: Plenty of walking, reading, gardening and taking a course that exercised my right brain and under-developed creativity muscles. Lowlight: Ten days ago a family member sustained a severe calcaneal fracture.
So even on vacation I've been in full dietitian role, ensuring my family member consumes a high-protein, high-energy, calcium-rich diet supplemented with vitamin D everyday. I've also started reviewing the current evidence-based literature on nutrition to support bone healing and will be sharing the best resources here in future blog posts.
See you again next week when I return to work and a more regular blogging schedule.
The light at the end of September